ICE 2025 18th Interaction and Concurrency Experience June 20, 2025, Lille, France Satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2025 Submission link: The Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE) series of international scientific meetings are a forum for computer science researchers with research interests in models, verification, tools, and programming primitives for complex interactions. === HIGHLIGHTS === * Distinctive selection procedure * ICE welcomes full papers to be included in the proceedings * ICE also welcomes oral communications of already published or preliminary work * Invited speaker: Kirstin Peters -- On the Expressiveness of MPST * Publication in EPTCS * Special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier) (to be confirmed) === IMPORTANT DATES === - April 9th, 2025 : Paper submission deadline - April 10th -- April 28th : Forum interaction, reviews, and PC discussion - May 5th : Notification to authors - June 20th : Workshop in Lille, France - July 20th (tentative) : Camera-ready for post-proceedings - October 2025 (tentative) : Invitation to special issue All dates are in the anywhere on Earth time zone. === SCOPE === The general scope of the workshop is interaction and concurrency, broadly construed. The workshop welcomes contributions spanning the spectrum from theoretical models to practical implementations and empirical studies. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Formal semantics * Process algebras and calculi * Models and languages * Protocols * Logics and types * Expressiveness * Model transformations * Tools, implementations, and experiments * Specification and verification * Coinductive techniques * Tools and techniques for automation * Synthesis techniques Prospective authors are welcome to contact the chairs for advice on whether their proposed submission is in scope. === SELECTION PROCEDURE === Since its first edition in 2008, the distinguishing feature of ICE has been an innovative paper selection mechanism based on an interactive, friendly, and constructive discussion amongst authors and PC members in an online forum. During the review phase, each submission is published in a dedicated discussion forum. The discussion forum can be accessed by the authors of the submission and by all PC members not in conflict with the submission (the forum preserves anonymity). The forum is used by reviewers to ask questions, clarifications, and modifications from the authors, allowing them better to explain and to improve all aspects of their submission. The evaluation of the submission will take into account not only the reviews, but also the outcome of the discussion. As witnessed by the past editions of ICE, this procedure considerably improves the accuracy of the reviews, the fairness of the selection, the quality of camera-ready papers, and the discussion during the workshop. ICE adopts a light double-anonymous reviewing process, detailed below. === SUBMISSION GUIDELINES === Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via hotcrp: We invite two types of submissions: * Research papers: original contributions that will be published in the workshop post-proceedings. Research papers must not be simultaneously submitted to other conferences or workshops with refereed proceedings. Research papers should be 3-16 pages (references not included). Short research papers are welcome; for example a 5 page short paper fits this category perfectly. The submitted PDF can use any LaTeX style (but the post-proceedings will use the EPTCS style). * Oral communications: will be presented at the workshop, but will not appear in the post-proceedings. This type of contribution includes e.g., previously published contributions, preliminary work, and position papers. There is no strict page limit for this kind of submission but papers of 1-5 pages would be appreciated. For example, a one page summary of previously published work is welcome in this category. Authors of research papers must omit their names and institutions from the title page, they should refer to their other work in the third person and omit acknowledgements that could reveal their identity or affiliation. The purpose is to avoid any bias based on authors’ identity characteristics, such as gender, seniority, or nationality, in the review process. Our goal is to facilitate an unbiased approach to reviewing by supporting reviewers’ access to works that do not carry obvious references to the authors’ identities. As mentioned above, this is a lightweight double-anonymous process. Anonymization should not be a heavy burden for authors, and should not make papers weaker or more difficult to review. Advertising the paper on alternate forums (e.g., on a personal web-page, pre-print archive, email, talks, discussions with colleagues) is permitted. Papers in the “Oral communications” category need not be anonymized. For any questions concerning the double anonymous process, feel free to consult the ICEcreamers. We are keen to enhance the balanced, inclusive and diverse nature of the ICE community, and would particularly encourage female colleagues and members of other underrepresented groups to submit their work. Submission by PC members (apart from the ICEcreamers) is allowed and encouraged. === PUBLICATIONS === Accepted research papers and communications must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors. Accepted research papers will be published after the workshop in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. We plan to invite authors of selected papers and brief announcements to submit their work in a special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier). Such contributions will be peer-reviewed according to the standard journal policy, but they will be handled in a shorter time than regular submissions. A list of published and in preparation special issues of previous ICE editions is reported on the ICE website. === INVITED SPEAKER === Kirstin Peters (Augsburg University, 🇩🇪) -- On the Expressiveness of MPST Multiparty session types (MPST) are a type discipline for enforcing the structured, deadlock-free communication of concurrent and message-passing programs. In this talk we will analyse the expressive power of MPST. In particular, we are interested in features that mark the difference expressive power of synchronous and asynchronous distributed languages. In the synchronous pi-calculus mixed choice is the main ingredient for its expressive power. Traditional MPST have in contrast usually a limited form of choice, in which alternative communication possibilities are offered by a single participant and selected by another. Accordingly, we extend MPST by a more general mixed choice construct. === ICECREAMERS (PC co-chairs) === * Clément Aubert (Augusta University, 🇺🇸) - * Cinzia Di Giusto (Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, 🇫🇷) - * Simon Fowler (University of Glasgow, 🇬🇧) - * Violet Ka I Pun (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 🇳🇴) - Use to reach all the ICEcreamers at once. === PROGRAM COMMITTEE === * Franco Barbanera (Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Catania, 🇮🇹) * Manel Barkallah (University of Namur, 🇧🇪) * Matteo Cimini (University of Massachusetts Lowell, 🇺🇸) * Farzaneh Derakhshan (Illinois Tech, 🇺🇸) * Emanuele D’Osualdo (University of Konstanz, 🇩🇪) * Luc Edixhoven (University of Southern Denmark, 🇩🇰) * Lorenzo Gheri (University of Liverpool, 🇬🇧) * Lucie Guillou (IRIF, Université Paris Cité, 🇫🇷) * Ping Hou (University of Oxford, 🇬🇧) * Andrew K. Hirsch (University at Buffalo, SUNY, 🇺🇸) * Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen (IT University of Copenhagen, 🇩🇰) * Matthew Alan Le Brun (University of Glasgow, 🇬🇧) * Andreia Mordido (LASIGE, University of Lisbon, 🇵🇹) * Maurizio Murgia (Gran Sasso Science Institute, 🇮🇹) * Jonah Pears (University of Kent, 🇬🇧) * Felix Stutz (University of Luxembourg, 🇱🇺) * Petra van den Bos (Formal Methods and Tools group (FMT), University of Twente, 🇳🇱) * Bas van den Heuvel (HKA Karlsruhe and University of Freiburg, 🇩🇪) === STEERING COMMITTEE === * Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, 🇮🇹) * Ludovic Henrio (ENS Lyon, 🇫🇷) * Sophia Knight (University of Minnesota Duluth, 🇺🇸) * Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna, 🇮🇹) * Larisa Safina (INRIA Lille, 🇫🇷) * Alceste Scalas (Technical University of Denmark, 🇩🇰) === PREVIOUS EDITIONS === Please refer to === MORE INFORMATION === For additional information, please contact the ICEcreamers at or visit our series website or the 2025 ICE website